Imposition of ashed
Imposition of ashed

imposition of ashed imposition of ashed

That said, I do believe the imposition of ashes to be a good and right thing to do. Therefore, I do not judge those who abstain from the practice any more than I do those who practice it. The practice is not commanded in scripture, and it is not something that I consider to be essential to the life of the church. Let me first say that I resonate with the idea of not offering ashes on Wednesday.

imposition of ashed

So, why even make ashes an option? Here, briefly, are the reasons. Today is Ash Wednesday, and as many Christians of the Protestant formerly “low church” persuasion are reacquiring some of the good and ancient practices of the church, one question in particular comes to the front: to ash or not to ash? That is, while many of us are finding great spiritual value in keeping Lent, we are also wondering, what about the whole ashes on the forehead thing?

Imposition of ashed