The method uses an aqueous-based sample extraction and provides rapid separation of nicotine from the minor tobacco alkaloids and other commercial tobacco components. 1999a, 852 (2), 451-463) and provided reliable results for the determination of nicotine in commercial moist snuff (Ciolino, L.

The Study concludes that there is significant difference in Thinking and Feeling type on the basis of gender.Ī reversed phase ion-pair liquid chromatographic method for the determination of nicotine in commercial tobacco products was previously developed and optimized (Ciolino, L. The research explored the possibility whether this pattern hold true for executives. Analysis on the basis of data gathered from various MBTI study has revealed that there is some gender difference in Thinking - Feeling dichotomy ( Kendall ,1988) It was observed that women are more oriented towards Feeling type (approx. The reported type between Sensing and Intuition which was roughly 56/44, however, in a normative sample of Adults ( MBTI manual tabl1 14.1) the representation is 27% for Intuition. Also there was stark difference in Sensing and Intuition in the management population. Executives shows thinking Preference of around 53% compared to the general population which reports 40% ( MBTI manual Table 14.1). Despite the major type being ESTJ, ST's are most likely to prefer management, While SF's are prefer to stay out of management. The least frequent types are ISFP, ESFP, INFJ and ISFJ.

ISTJ, ESTJ and ENTJ are the top three notable personality types as observed in the presented data in table with 23.08%, 19.78% and 12.09 %, INFJ and ENFP ( 8.86%). It is observed that the Thinking and Judging preference is in line with the previous studies carried out by existing research which clearly depicts the overall orientation of executives across the globe. The survey reflected that the dominant personality type among the executives are Thinking and Judging. The scope of study is limited to the executives of Numaligarh Refinery Limited and Oil India Ltd. A survey was conducted among 91 executives of Numaligarh Refinery Limited, in Golaghat district of Assam (India),and Oil india Ltd in Duliajan, in Dibrugarh district to ascertain if there exist a dominant personality type among the executives. Studies on personalities types of executives based on Myers Briggs Test indicators have proven useful in understanding and improving decision making.